22nd Apr, 2009

BLS Online and Skills Test

The American Heart Association really made a wonderful decision when they developed the BLS online version of offering testing. For the experienced rescuer, this method of doing some of the work online and then completing the testing with the skills test is so convenient. People no longer have to take a 2 to 4 hour review course where the time and place may be very difficult to work into ones schedule. Now most of the work can be done at home, the office or the internet cafe at a time of ones choosing. It can also be broken up into small segments to fit the complicated life that so many people live in today’s world. Everyone that I have spoken to has found that portion of the retraining to be easy to work with and to understand.

I have found that most people can complete the skills test in a half an hour or less. How can you beat that for convenience?

The use of the bag valve mask (Ambu bag) is still the most difficult part of the manikin test.  However the most common mistake that I must correct is the “Head Tilt, Chin Lift”.  I am always surprised that so many people fail to tilt the head back before they check for breathing and then the other group that do tilt the head back to check for breathing but do NOT keep it back when actually breathing into the manikin! Folks, please remember your ABCs! Remember, that ‘s Airway, Breathing, Compressions! The tongue may be what is blocking the airway and either preventing the victim from breathing or preventing you from breathing into the victim.

Anyway, kudos to American Heart for developing this new method for recertifying.  It certainly makes it much easier for the experienced professional to save time but still prove that they know what to do in a CPR rescue.

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